EPUAP 2025 Awards
We look forward to awarding excellence in research, education and innovation projects related to pressure ulcer prevention and care! Check the submission details below.
Experienced Investigator Award 2025
As leading authority in pressure ulcer research in Europe, the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel has decided to recognize leadership and contributions to pressure ulcer research by awarding the EPUAP Experienced Investigator Award at its annual conference. This prize is awarded for a significant, internationally recognized contribution to pressure ulcer research in either basic science or clinical science achievements and reflects accomplishments that clearly contributed to advancing the field.
Deadline for nominations: 15th of March, 2025
Applying for a Nomination:
Candidates cannot nominate themselves but are free to ask a colleague with a standing in a research institution (such as a Professor, Department Chair, Dean, etc.) to apply in a letter for nomination on their behalf.
Nomination for this award should include:
- A nomination letter from a nominating person who is not the applicant (see above): the letter should explain why the candidate is being nominated for the prize and what are the important contributions made by the candidate to the pressure ulcer research. The letter should be max. 1 page, but not less than half-a-page.
- Full Curriculum Vitae of the candidate for the prize, including a complete list of publications (journal articles, books and book chapters, conference proceedings, patents and other).
The laureate of the EPUAP Experienced Investigator Award will be invited to give a talk at the EPUAP Annual Meeting 2025 in Helsinki. The EPUAP will cover travel expenses from/to a European destination, conference registration and accommodation.
The applications (sent by email in one PDF file) should be addressed to the Chair of the EPUAP Scientific Committee, Prof. Dominique Sigaudo-Roussel, at the EPUAP Business Office email address: office@epuap.org .
Decisions on the EPUAP Investigator Awards are to be voted in the Scientific Committee, and award notifications will be made at the latest by the 30th of April 2025.
The list of Award winners from the previous editions is available here.
Deadline for applications: 31st March 2025
At the forefront of advancing pressure ulcer prevention and management, the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) is dedicated to promoting excellence in research, bridging the areas of clinical and basic science, and ensuring the seamless translation of scientific breakthroughs into impactful healthcare and clinical practices. Embrace the opportunity to stand out on the global stage with the prestigious EPUAP Early Career Investigator’s Award! This distinguished award honors young scientists whose work aligns with the research priorities championed by the EPUAP community, making significant strides in promoting excellence in pressure ulcer prevention and management at an international level.
Key Features of the Award
Alignment with EPUAP Mission: Your work should embody and contribute to the mission of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, showcasing a commitment to excellence in pressure ulcer research.
International impact: We seek research projects that transcend borders, making a noteworthy impact on an international scale.
Eligibility criteria: Open to all EPUAP members with less than 5 years of experience since completing their PhD, with a demonstrated scientific track record displaying exceptional promise.
Award commitment: The award winner not only receives recognition but also commits to presenting their work at the next EPUAP annual meeting and receiving the well-deserved recognition during the gala evening. EPUAP covers registration, travel, and accommodation costs.
Application deadline: Submit your application to office@epuap.org by midnight on March 31st, 2025, to be considered for this esteemed award.
Application guidelines:
Embark on your journey towards the EPUAP Early Career Investigator’s Award by preparing a comprehensive single PDF document that encapsulates the essence of your research. Follow these guidelines to ensure your application stands out:
Introduction (Max. 2 Pages)
Briefly introduce yourself and share insights into your academic journey, passions, and aspirations. Provide a snapshot of your research background, emphasizing key milestones and influences. Envision the future by outlining your aspirations and how your research aligns with the evolving landscape of pressure ulcer prevention and management.
Research Overview (Max. 2 Pages)
Present a concise scientific curriculum vitae (e.g. using the NIHR template) that outlines your academic achievements, professional experiences, and relevant qualifications. Provide a comprehensive list of your scientific production, showcasing key publications, presentations, and any other notable contributions.
Two letters of endorsement
Provide two formal letters of endorsement from senior researchers or supervisors wherein they acknowledge your achievements and affirm your aspirations to emerge as a leader in research within this field.
Submit your application to office@epuap.org and take the first step towards being recognized as a leader in the global pursuit of excellence in pressure ulcer prevention and management.
Good luck!
EPUAP Research Committee
Pierre-Yves Rohan, Chair
Pete Worsley
Carina Bååth
Daphne Weihs
Joan-Enric Torra
Ingebjørg Irgens
Do not hesitate to contact the EPUAP Research Committee for more information via office@epuap.org.
Deadline for submission: 10 April 2025 (together with the general abstract submission)
Focus: This award aims to recognize and acknowledge innovative projects relating to the prevention of skin breakdown.
Prize: The award winners will be presenting their projects at the Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel in Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Submit an abstract to the EPUAP 2025 annual meeting following the standard submission process.
- Send a cover letter to the EPUAP Conference secretariat (office@epuap.org) justifying why you should be awarded the Innovation in Care Award and detailing the following points: Describe your innovative project. Which actions and steps did you take? What were the results? (1 page maximum).
- Only the submissions with both the cover letter and the abstract submitted before the EPUAP Abstract submission deadline (10 April 2025) will be considered. The applications will be reviewed by the EPUAP Scientific Committee.
- If your application is not selected for the award session, it is still evaluated as a standard abstract submission for EPUAP 2025 and eligible for a presentation in a standard Free paper session.
Deadline for submission: 10 April 2025 (together with the general abstract submission)
Focus: This award aims to recognize and acknowledge excellent education strategies and projects relating to all domains of pressure ulcer prevention and treatment.
Prize: The award winners will be presenting their projects at the Annual Meeting of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel in Lausanne, Switzerland.
- Submit an abstract to the EPUAP 2025 annual meeting following the standard submission process.
- Send a cover letter to the EPUAP Conference secretariat (office@epuap.org) justifying why you should be awarded the Excellence in Education Award and detailing the following points: Which educational method(s) did you use and how did you apply them in practice? What were the results? Please add a short paragraph on discussion and clinical relevance of the project. (The cover letter should have 1 page maximum).
- Only the submissions with both the cover letter and the abstract submitted before the EPUAP Abstract submission deadline (10 April 2025) will be considered. The applications will be reviewed by the EPUAP Education Committee.
- If your application is not selected for the Excellence in Education Awards, it is still evaluated as a standard abstract submission for EPUAP 2025 and eligible for a presentation in a standard Free paper session.
- You can only submit for this award if you have not been awarded in the last 2 years.